จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษ ตำแหน่งช่าง จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู

1,931 ผู้ชม

---- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู

Acknowledging a Job Offer
George P. Williams,
"Williams' Cottage"
125, Broad St,
New York, NY 10004-2400,
(212) 549-2500.
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12th May, 2011.
Mr. James Anderson,
National School,
257, Park Avenue South,
New York, NY 12345-6789.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
This is to acknowledge your letter dated May 11, 2011offering me the position of preschool teacher with the National School. I thank you for this noble and rewarding opportunity. I have a complete understanding of your terms and I am sure, I will be able to give you a response by your requested deadline of May 20, 2011. I appreciate your gesture to allow me enough time to consider your offer so that my decision of working for this reputed institution should be in the best interest of both my career goals and the needs of the institution.
In the meantime, should I have any questions, I will call you. Please do not hesitate to call me if I can provide you with any needed information.
George P. Williams.

---- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู
Sample Acknowledging a Job Offer Cover Letter
Richard J. Hernandez,
996 Adams Drive,
Angleton, TX 77515,
(979)-549 8823.
Date: October 19, 2011.
Mr. John E. Paige,
Boston High School,
3576 Loving Acres Road,
Fort Worth, TX 76118.
Dear Mr. Paige,
I appreciate your job offer for the position of a high school teacher with Boston High School. I thank you for your consideration for the said job. Although I am eager to be on board with Boston High School and begin a new innings of my career, I would still need some time to take this important decision of my career.
As mentioned in your offer letter, I shall be a position to take the decision by October 30, 2011 and I hope that my decision would be in the interest of your school as well as my future career. I have a thorough knowledge of the schools rules and regulations and I also appreciate the time you had given, to take a decision.
If you have any queries, please feel free to call me on the above telephone number as per your convenience. I thank you for your time and your consideration.
Sincerely yours, v Richard J. Hernandez.

---- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู
Sample Cover Letter for Acknowledging a Job Offer
Robert M. Bourgeois,
4016 Losh Lane,
Pittsburgh, PA 15206,
(412)-665 8764.
Date: October 19, 2011.
Mr. Ron M. Garcia,
Birmingham High School,
1918 Ersel Street,
Dallas, TX 75247.
Dear Mr. Garcia,
This is to acknowledge your offer letter dated October 15, 2011, for the post of a High School Teacher in your school. I thank you for your consideration and the offer. I am quite keen to join your school for the next academic year and I assure you that I would get back to you with a response in the next two weeks, i.e., October 30, 2011.
I also thank you for giving me ample time to take such an important career decision. For any further clarifications, you are most welcome to contact me on the above telephone number.
I thank you once again for your time and your consideration.
Robert M. Bourgeois.

---- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู

Teacher Job Acceptance Letter
Ruby Doris,
1500 Downtown Drive,
Ohio, IL 45120,
(450)-000 7913.
Email: [email protected]
Date: October 20, 2011.
Mr. Alan Jorge,
Public High School,
417 Pride Street,
Ohio, IL 45125.
Dear Mr. Jorge,
To elaborate on the telephonic conversation we had yesterday, I am thankful to you for offering me the Science Teacher position for grade VI to X in your school. As a sign of my acceptance, I am writing this confirmation letter signed by me to make it official.
To recall few of the things we have discussed, I am pleased to confirm my date of joining as on November 14, 2011. The salary we have mutually settled is $40,000 per year. In addition, I would be eligible for a yearly bonus once I have completed eight months of my tenure in your school. The performance appraisal will be held at the end of each year, and a minimum of 20% pay rise is expected based on the appraisal. I also agree the medical benefit packages covered with my employment.
Please let me know if there is any other formality I am expected to complete. Once again, I thank you for interviewing me for the position and offering me the job. I am very excited to join your school, and I am confident in maintaining and raising the teaching standard of your school.
Yours sincerely,
Ruby Doris

---- ---- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษตำแหน่งคุณครู

Salary Negotiation before Joining
Joseph B. Fields,
4467 Carson Street
Lexington, KY 40503,
(859)-000 7616.
Date: October 17, 2011.
Ms. Elizabeth Shipman,
St. Mary School,
20 Teaching Lane,
Lexington, KY 40502.
Dear Ms. Shipman,
Every meeting that I had with you during the selection process just kept aggravating my interest in joining one of the leaders in the education sectors. What is more astounding about your institution is the fact that it has given the most prominent political and business leaders to the country. This shows how determined you are in shaping the future of the country. I am thrilled to be a part of the strong and committed teaching force of your institute.
Another thing that I was impressed about your school was the modern and high tech infrastructure that you provide to students regardless of their social and financial status. I have never seen before the kind of laboratory and the library you have. The atmosphere your school provides is just enough to boost the students' confidence and interest in their studies. Moreover, I liked the policy you have in appraising performance of the staff. This will ensure elimination of biased attitude against one and all. In short, there is nothing more I would have asked for from the job, and as such I am eager to join your school very soon.
However, I would like to mention that I have an offer from XYZ School. The annual compensation package offered by them is higher by $5000 than yours. Before approving their offer, I would like to reiterate my interest in your school, and would love to see a revision accordingly in the annual compensation package.
As already conveyed during the interview about my dedication and passion for teaching, I would love to meet you again and converse on the salary issue in person. Please call me and let me know when it is possible for us to meet.
Joseph B. Fields

--------- จดหมายสมัครงานภาษาอังกฤษ ตำแหน่งช่าง

Mr. John Doe
Smithfield Elementary School
Main Street
Smithfield, CA 08055
Dear Mr. Doe,
I am interested in applying for a teaching position, on the elementary level, in your school district. As a 200X graduate of XXX College, I have student teaching experience on the third and sixth grade level, in both suburban and urban school districts.
At the present time I am teaching “at risk” preschool children. This position enables me to provide these students with a “head start” in mastering basic skills. I am challenged to be creative, nurturing and most of all, patient.
In my junior year at XXX College, a passion for, and knowledge of horses created an opportunity for me work for the Racing Museum. This position allowed me to teach every fourth grade class in the local school system. I coordinated field trips with classroom instruction.
It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent teacher who will make a positive contribution to your school district. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
FirstName LastName


หวังว่าคงเป็นประโยชน์ค่ะ credit: hxxp://english-madmonster.blogspot.com/2009/08/email-pattern.html
Formal email ใช้ Dear name, To name,
Informal email ใช้ Hi name, Helo name,
ประโยคขึ้นต้น ที่ใช้อ้างถึงอะไรสักอย่างเพื่อจะทวนความจำ หรือทำให้ผู้รับรู้ว่าเรากำลังจะพูดถึงอะไรต่อไป
Formal email ใช้
With reference to + noun, …
With regards to + noun, …
Regarding + noun, …
I’m writing with regard to + noun เช่น I’m writing with regard to your recent email.
Further to + noun, …
Thank you for + noun … เช่น Thank you for email of 2 November.
As per your request, … เช่น As per your request, I’ve attached a copy of the agenda.
Informal email ใช้
Re + noun, … เช่น Re your email, …
In reply to + noun, … เช่น In reply to your email, …
Thanks for + noun. เช่น Thanks for your email.
(It was) Nice to hear from you yesterday. …
As requested, … เช่น As requested, here is my monthly status report.
I’d appreciated it if + sentence เช่น I’d appreciated it if you could join us in the meeting on Tuesday. เป็น indirect sentence ที่ทำให้นุ่นนวลขึ้น แต่ก็จะทำให้ฟังห่างเหินขึ้นด้วย
Do you think you could (possible) + verb เช่น Do you think you could help me work out how to fix this bug? (indirect)
Would it be possible to + verb เช่น Would it be possible to extend the deadline until next Friday?
Could you (please) + verb เช่น Could you meet with everyone for a meeting on Tuesday? (สำหรับ routine request คือ คำขออันที่เป็นหน้าที่รับผิดชอบของเค้า หรือเป็นคำขอปกติ ควรละ please ไว้ เนื่องจากไม่ควรใช้ flowery language มากเกินไป ซึ่งจะทำให้เข้าใจผิดว่าเป็นการประชดประชันได้)
Would you mind + Ving เช่น Would you mind sending me another copy of the agenda?
Please + verb
Please find attached my report (ระวัง attached ก็เป็นช่อง 3)
I have attached sth. for your perusal.
I have attached sth.
Thank you
I really appreciate + noun เช่น I really appreciate your help.
I appreciate + noun เช่น I appreciate your help on this.
Thank you for + noun เ่ช่น Thank you for your assistance in this matter. หรือ Thank you for your help.
Thank you.
Diplomatic สำหรับกรณีที่มีความผิดพลาด ไม่ว่าจะเป็นของเรา หรือของเค้า ก็ควรเขียนอย่างสุภาพ คือเราจะไม่บอกตรงๆ นะเอง
I’m afraid + sentence เช่น I’m afraid that we haven’t received the payment yet. หรือ I’m afraid there will be a small delay.
It seems + sentence เช่น It seems we have a slight problem. (แปลว่า เรามี problem นะเอง)
I think + sentence เช่น I think there may be an issue here. (แปลว่า เราไม่เห็นด้วย)
To be honest, I’m not sure + sentence เช่น To be honest, I’m not sure we can do that (แปลว่า เราไม่สามารถทำแบบนั้น อาจจะเราทำไม่ได้ หรือเราไม่ทำ ก็ได้)
Perhaps we should think about + Ving – ออกแนวชักชวน ของแนวร่วม เช่น Perhaps we should think about cancelling the project. (แปลว่า อยากจะ cancel แหละ แต่บอกว่า ลองคิดดูมั้ย สำหรับ cancel นี้ประหลาดค่ะ สำหรับ British ใช้ cancelling เป็น ll แต่ American ใช้ canceling ก็นะ อยู่ที่เราจะใช้ตามหลักของอะไร)
Wouldn’t it be better to + verb เช่น Wouldn’t it be better to ask Paul. (แปลว่า ไปถาม Paul ซะ ไป๊)
Unfortunately, + sentence – ออกแนวโทษโชคชะตา ซะงั้น ไม่มีใครผิดหรอก
I apologize for + noun เช่น I apologize for any inconvenience caused. อันนี้ขอโทษกันตรงๆ (อย่าลืมว่า caused ข้างหลังเป็นช่อง 3 นะคะ)
หรือ ตัวอย่างประโยคอื่นๆ เช่น
Actually, that doesn’t give us much time (แปลว่า เรามีเวลานิดเดียวเอง จริงๆ นะ)
That might be quite expensive. (แปลว่า That’s very expensive แต่บอกอ้อมๆ ว่า น่าจะแพงทีเดียวนะ — ตอแหลจริงๆ)
For future contact
I look forward to + Ving เช่น I look forward to receiving your reply.
Look forward to + Ving เช่น Look forward to seeing you next week.
I’m looking forward to + Ving เช่น I’m looking forward to seeing you in the meeting สำหรับการใช้ looking แทน look เป็นการแสดงว่ากำลัีงใจจดใจจ่อ รอจะพบคุณอยู่นะ มันเห็นภาพมากกว่า look เฉยๆ
Looking forward to + Ving เช่น Looking forward to hearing from you.
I hope to + verb เช่น I hope to hear from you soon.
Hope to + verb เช่น Hope to see you then. (informal)
See you then. (informal)
If you would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you have any questions/queries, please feel free to contact me.
If you have any questions/queries, please feel free to let me know. (informal)
Let me you if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Best regards,
Cheers, (informal)
