Queen Sirikit Biography

846 ผู้ชม

12 August, The Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit of Thailand   

Queen Sirikit Biography

Queen Sirikit Biography
ภาพจาก https://www.sakulthai.com

       August 12th   is a very special day for the people of Thailand. Their beloved
Queen will celebrate her birthday. In recognition of Her Majesty, this day is also recognized as National Mother's Day. (A reminder for all to give the caring woman in their life an extra hug on this day.) It is perhaps difficult for those who are not Thai to appreciate and understand how much warmth and love is bestowed upon Queen Sirikit, by her people and the society that she, together with His Royal Highness King Bhumibol Adulyadej, represents. Our Queen, on the other hand, rises above the 
mire of politics and helps lead her people by duty, service and respect for her country. Such are the gifts Her Majesty Queen Sirikit of Thailand continually gives to her country. And the 12th August is the anniversary of her birth in the year of 1932. 
        Her Majesty Queen Sirikit is the daughter of His Highness Prince Chandaburi Suranath (Mom Chao Nakkhatra Mangkala Kitiyakara) and Mom Luang Bua Kitiyakara (Mom Luang Bua Snidwongse).

        She was born on August 12, 1932. She attended kindergarten class at Rajini School,but subsequently went to St. Francis Xavier convent school at Samsen District in Bangkok. Her father later on became Thai Minister to France, then to Denmark and, ultimately, Ambassador to the Court of St. James in England. Her Majesty accompanied him and continued her general education in the three countries and lastly in Switzerland.

        It was while her father was stationed in Paris that she first met His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej,who was then studying in Switzerland but went now and then to Paris. The chance meeting in Paris ripened into friendship and understanding. When His Majesty met with a very serious motor accident in Geneva, Switzerland, and had to stay in a hospital at Lausanne, Her Majesty was a frequent visitor. When His Majesty was well again and left the hospital, he was graciously pleased to arrange for Her Majesty to continue her studies at Riante Rive, a boarding school in Lausanne. On July 19, 1949, Their Majesties were quietly engaged in Lausanne. On March 24, 1950, Their Majesties landed in Bangkok by ship after a long absence. On April 28 of the same year, the royal wedding took place at Pathumwan Palace.

Activities after reading.
1. Find the vocabulary that you had never known before at least 20 words.
2. Try to read this text with your friends.
3. Pronunciation test about the queen biography.
ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 4

ต 1.1 เข้าใจและตีความเรื่องที่ฟังและอ่านจากสื่อประเภทต่างๆและแสดงความคิดเห็น
ต 1.3 นำเสนอข้อมูลข่าวสาร ความคิดรวบยอด และความคิดเห็นในเรื่องต่างๆโดยการพูด
ต 2.2 เข้าใจความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างภาษาและวัฒนธรรมของเจ้าของภาษา
          กับภาษาและวัฒนธรรมไทย  และนำมาใช้อย่างเหมาะสม

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