
690 ผู้ชม

คุณธรรม มโนธรรม การให้อภัย จะทำให้จิตใจผ่องใสและทำให้โลกน่าอยู่ยิ่งขึ้น   


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.2  มีทักษะการสื่อสารทางภาษาในการแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลข่าวสาร 


      Dr. Brewski looked at the name on the file and then at the ugly, overweight man struggling breathlessly through the door with his equally ugly wife. There was no mistake. It was him, but his wife wasn’t the woman Dr. Brewski had fallen in love with years ago, only to lose her.
    “ Sit down, please, Mr. Sullivan,” he said, his mouth struggling to say that horrible last name.
    Dr. Brewski waited in vain for a sign of recognition from Sullivan, but there was nothing, only a look of fear in his eyes. “ That’s how it is,” thought Dr. Brewski, “ You ruin someone’s life, and the you forget all about them.”
   “ Now, Mr. Sullivan, I’m sure that the doctors have already explained the risk of heart surgery to you. There’s a good chance of success, but things can easily get complicated, and if that happens, well, you know…..”
   Dr. Brewski looked at the patient lying on the operating table, his chest already opened, the heart beating under the spotlight as if it were an actor that knew that this could be the last chance to perform. One of the country’s top heart surgeons, he found it impossible to concentrate, because this was not an ordinary operation and this was not an ordinary patient.
  Years ago, when he was a medical student, Dr. Brewski had gone out with a girl called Mary for two years. He loved her and she loved him; he was only waiting to finish his course to ask her to marry him, and she said that she wanted to, that she wanted to have children with him. But the, ne day, walking through Central Park, he saw Mary with another man, kissing him. The man was Nicolas Sullivan. He ran back to his apartment, crying, and when Mary came to visit him she told him the truth; she loved Sullivan. They broke up the same day and he never saw Mary again, though he spent many years thinking about her, about how she had broken his heart. How many times had he thought,” If I had the chance, I’d kill Sullivan”? Now he had the chance,” If I make just one small mistake, I can kill Sullivan and nobody will ever know. All doctors make mistakes.”
   But why kill him if he wasn’t with Mary ? Maybe Mary had left Sullivan after just a few months. Maybe they’d gotten married and the divorced. Dr. Brewski was married with two children, so why should he care ?  But how could he forget the pain he felt in those days, the pain Sullivan caused ? His life would certainly have been very different, if he had married his sweetheart, Sullivan broke his heart, but if Dr. Brewski wanted to, he could save Sullivan’s heart now…..

Vocabulary :
struggle (v)                       make a very great effort in order to do something
horrible (adj.)                   very unpleasant or bad
recognition (n)                 when you know someone or something because 
                                        you have seen, heard or experienced them before
complicated (adj.)            involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is 
                                        difficult to understand
concentrate (v)                to direct your attention or your efforts towards 
                                        a particular activity, subject or problem
break up (v)                    end relationship
divorce (v)                      to end your marriage by an official or legal process

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )
ถ้านักเรียนเป็นบุคคลในบทอ่าน จะปฏิบัติตัวอย่างไร เพราะเหตุใด

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สังคมศึกษา ฯ

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล: หนังสือ Super Goal 5, Manuel dos Santos, 
                                Thai Watana Panich /  McGraw Hill .

ที่มา : https://www.sahavicha.com/?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=2882
