
637 ผู้ชม


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.1 เข้าใจและตีความเรื่องที่ฟังและอ่านจากสื่อประเภทต่างๆ


 Javier : So, how did you hurt yourself?
 Elena : I fell off my bike.
 Javier : Really? So did I. My motorcycle skidded on a patch of oil 
             on the road, and I crashed into a car. The last thing I remember 
             was flying through the sir and hitting the windshield. I woke up 
             in the hospital.
 Elena : Were you wearing a helmet?
 Javier : Yes, luckily I was. That’s  what probably saved my life.
              How about you?
 Elena : I was cycling in the park, so I didn’t think I’d need a helmet. 
             I don’t like wearing helmets-they’re uncomfortable and unattractive. 
            This dog came out of nowhere chasing a squirrel. I swerved, lost my 
             balance, and hit a tree. I got off lightly-  only a few bruises and a 
             bump on my head.
 Javier : It was your luck day.
 Elena : Yeah. That’s too bad you broke both legs. You’re going to be stuck 
              on that wheelchair for a while, I guess.
 Javier : Look at it this way – if I broke only one leg, there night not be 
              enough room for all my friends to sign their names on the cast. 
              Hey, would you like to sign your name?

 skid (v.)                  to slide along a surface so that you have no control
 patch(n)                  a small area which is different in some way from the 
                                area that surrounds it
 windshield ( n)        the window at the front of a car, truck 
 swerve(v)                to change direction, especially suddenly
 bruise(n)                 an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken 
                                but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit 
                                by something 
 bump (v)                 to hit something with force 
 cast (n)                   a protective covering for a broken bone, made of plaster

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สุขศึกษา ฯ

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล: หนังสือ Mega Goal 4, Manuel dos Santos, 
                                Thai Watana Panich / McGraw Hill

ที่มา : https://www.sahavicha.com/?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=3044
