Friday the 13th myths

940 ผู้ชม

ศุกร์ 13 ทำไมต้องกลัวด้วย   

                   สำหรับเดือน สิงหาคม 2553 ปีนี้ มีวันหนึ่งที่ตรงกับวันศุกร์ที่ 13 ซึ่งชาวตะวันตกมีความเชื่อที่ไม่ดีเกี่ยวกับวันศุกร์ 13  มีประวัติความเป็นมามากมายจนทำให้ผู้คนหวาดผวา ไม่ชอบเอามากๆ ลองอ่านดูนะ

Friday the 13th myths

People who suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia have a phobia of both Fridays and the number 13, leaving them to ultimately fear the day that rolls around at least once a year, Friday the 13th. In 2009, there are three of these seemingly unlucky days: one in February, March and November.

The fear of Friday the 13th wasn't written down until the 19th century, but the Italian composer Gioacchino Rossini declared in 1869 that Friday was an unlucky day and 13 was an unlucky number, making his claim the earliest reference to the day of bad luck.

Western and Christian theology are largely the basis for the fear in Friday the 13th, according to the howstuffworks Web site. Fridays are regarded as days of poor luck because theologians believe the events of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit  and the crucifixion of Jesus both occurred on Fridays. The Great Flood is said to have started on a Friday, as well.

Historians further believe that the distrust of Fridays has roots in the Catholic Church and its suppression of paganism and women when, in the Roman calendar, Friday was devoted to Venus, the goddess of love. 
In Norse mythology, Friday was named after Frigg, or Freya, the goddess of love and sex. The threat of strong female goddesses in a male-dominated religion led the church to vilify that day of the week when the pagans converted to Christianity.The fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.

The number 13 describes the number of attendees at the Last Supper with Jesus and his 12 disciples. Judas was the last guest, guest number 13, and the betrayer of Jesus. There were also 13 months in the pagan lunar calendar, but the Catholic Church was out to end pagan traditions, changing the calendar to 12 months instead.

When a black cat crosses paths with someone, a mirror is broken or an umbrella is opened indoors, it could be contributed to a bad day. But when that day falls on a Friday with the date of 13, it could be bad luck.

Friday the 13th myths

Activities after reading.
1. Find the vocabulary that you had never known before at least 20 words.
2. Find the synomym of the words you think they are difficult. 
3. Pronunciation test about the queen biography.
ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5

ต 1.1 เข้าใจและตีความเรื่องที่ฟังและอ่านจากสื่อประเภทต่างๆ
ต 1.3 นำเสนอข้อมูลข่าวสาร ความคิดรวบยอด และความคิดเห็นในเรื่องต่างๆ
ต 2.2 เข้าใจความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างภาษาและวัฒนธรรม
          ของเจ้าของภาษากับภาษาและวัฒนธรรมไทย  และนำมาใช้อย่างเหมาะสม

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