Bike Fact File on the Road

714 ผู้ชม

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สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.3  นำเสนอข้อมูลข่าวสาร ความคิดรวบยอด และความคิดเห็น
                         ในเรื่องต่างๆ โดยการพูดและการเขียน 
                                   Bike Fact File on the Road

 Bike Fact 1
  Cycling is the most efficient method of transportation: it is even more efficient than walking. We use about five times more energy to walk a mile than to ride a mile on a bicycle.

 Bike Fact 2
 The difference between the energy requirements of bikes and card is even bigger. For the same amount of energy, 100 calories, a person can ride a bike about 4828 metres. A car can only go about 85 metres.

 Bike Fact 3
 Nothing is more ecological than cycling. Obviously, it doesn’t pollute the environment and the fuel that is used for power is a renewable resource food. The human body is like a motor that runs on a correct balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, vitamins, minerals and, of course, water. 
A correct diet will improve the performance of this complex engine.

 Bike Fact 4
 The human body is mostly water. It is vitally important to drink water before, during and after cycling to compensate for the water we lose when we sweat, especially if it is very hot. Only a 2 percent loss of body fluids can decrease performance

 And one bit of bike trivia :
 In the 1800s the bicycle changed women’s fashions – they began to wear trousers !

Vocabulary :
 efficient ( adj. )             working or operating quickly and effectively
                                      in an organized way
 transportation (n)          when people or goods are moved from one place 
                                      to another
 requirement (n)             something that you must do, or something you need
 ecological (adj.)            relating to ecology or the environment
 obviously (adv.)            in a way that is easy to understand or see
 renewable (adj.)           describes a form of energy that can be produced
                                      as quickly as it is used
 complex (adj.)               difficult to understand or find an answer to because 
                                      of having many different parts 
 vitally (adv.)                  extremely important
 compensate (v)             to provide something good or useful in place of 
                                      something or to make someone feel better about 
                                      something that has failed or been lost or missed
 sweat (v)                      produces drops of liquid on the outside
 performance (n)            how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of 
                                      work or an activity
 trivia (n)                        details or information that are not important

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )
Do you like cycling? Why or why not?

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )
Give the good points of cycling ( according to your own idea )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สังคมศึกษา ฯ, สุขศึกษา ฯ

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล: หนังสือ Gateway 2  , Mark Hancock and others, 
                                Richmond Publishing , สำนักพิมพ์อักษรเจริญทัศน์

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