Tryouts For Majorettes

553 ผู้ชม


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.1 เข้าใจและตีความเรื่องที่ฟังและอ่านจากสื่อประเภทต่างๆ 

                                      Tryouts for Majorettes

  Mary : What’s happening in the gym?
Stevie : It’s the tryouts for drum majorettes. Sandra, Jenny, and Karen 
             are trying out for the squad.
  Mary : Let’s sneak in and watch. That’s Karen over there! Isn’t she great? 
             Look how high she’s throwing  her baton. She’s is graceful !
Stevie : And she catches it behind her back !
  Mary : I would have dropped it a million times.
Stevie : Do you see Jenny on the left? Look how fast she’s twirling her 
  Mary : Sandra’s pretty good too. Oh, she dropped her baton ! Is she going 
             to be disqualified?
Stevie : Don’t worry. It’s not the really thing yet, but just the preliminaries. 
             It doesn’t count.
  Mary : That other girl dropped her baton too.
Stevie : She was trying something really difficult. Watch – there she goes 
  Mary : She made it this time. Did you see how she caught it just one inch 
             from the floor, right after she turned around?
Stevie : Yes, she’s really good. It doesn’t look too hopeful for our friends, 
             huh? The competition seems very stiff.
  Mary : Not at all. I think Jenny, Sandra and Karen are  just as good as 
             anybody else!


Vocabulary : 
tryout (n)               competition for a position on the team or a part in the play
majorette (n)         a young woman or girl who wears a uniform and makes a 
                             pattern of movements with a baton by spinning it and 
                             throwing it into the air, as part of a group of girls who do 
                             this or as the leader of a musical group
baton(n)                a stick used by a conductor (= person who controls the 
                             performance of a group of musicians) to show the speed 
                             of the music
graceful (adj.)       moving in a smooth, relaxed, attractive way, or having a 
                             smooth, attractive shape
twirl (v)                  give a sudden quick turn or set of turns in a circle
disqualified (adj.)  to stop someone from being in a competition or doing 
                             something because they are unsuitable or they have 
                             done something wrong 
preliminaries (n)   an event or action that introduces or prepares for 
                             something else
stiff (adj.)              severe and difficult
peculiarly (adv.)   especially
intermission (n)    a period between parts of a game when the players rest 
                            and people watching can leave their seats

 Culture Note
  A peculiarly American institution is the high school marching band. The band is composed of wind, brass and percussion instruments – no string instruments. The band also included majorettes -  girls who march in front of the musicians twirling their batons.
 The whole group is lead by a head majorette. She leads the marching band and helps the musicians keep time with the movements of her baton.
 The band marches in holiday parades, and also plays and marches during intermissions in football games and other school events.

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สังคมศึกษา ฯ, ภาษาไทย, ศิลปศึกษา ,ดนตรี

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล: หนังสือ American Culture /  Panda Publishing House .

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