A Project for the Science Fair

610 ผู้ชม


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.2  มีทักษะการสื่อสารทางภาษาในการแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลข่าวสาร 
                          แสดงความรู้สึก  และความคิดเห็นอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ

                                      A Project for the Science Fair

 Mrs. Pearson : What are you two doing up at this hour? It’s past one in the 
                          morning! Why aren’t you in bed?
                Joe :  It’s all right, Mom. We’re still working on our science 
                          project. The Science Fair starts tomorrow. We have to  
                          finish  our project today.
              Paul : I’m sorry, Mrs. Pearson, but it took longer than we thought.
Mrs. Pearson : Do your parents know where you are, Paul?
             Paul : I told them I would be here until very late.
Mrs. Pearson : You’re going to be sleepy all day. At least go to sleep now 
                         until school time. I’ll wake you up.   
               Joe : We’re not quite finished, Mom.
Mrs. Pearson : You mean you’re not going to sleep at all?
              Paul :  I don’t think we’ll be able to.
Mrs. Pearson : Are you sure this project is that important?
              Paul : Well, our teacher thinks we might win one of the top prizes.
               Joe : It’s on the interaction of random radio frequencies when they 
                        are bent by a gravitational field.
Mrs. Pearson : It sounds very impressive. I guess it’s worth staying up so 
                         late, but I’m going back to bed.


Vocabulary :
       interaction(n)                    when two or more people or things 
                                                communicate with or react to each other     
     random (adj.)                      happening, done or chosen by chance rather 
                                                than according to a plan
  gravitational(adj.)                  when someone or something moves or is 
                                                attracted in the direction of a particular 
                                                thing or person


Culture Note
    High school students love to prepare projects for the Science Fair. All high schools compete on the local, county, or even state level. Each high school is encouraged to bring one or more projects to the competition. Prizes are awarded, and often college-level scholarships are offered to some of the winners.
   Sometimes even a young high school student produces a project that is a definite advance in science. But the main objective of the Science Fair is to encourage students to continue their studies in science and enter a career in research or industry.


Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )
How is Science project useful for students?

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )
Talk about each project you’ve done.

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้วิทยาศาสตร์

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล: หนังสือ American Culture, Panda Publishing House .

 ที่มา : https://www.sahavicha.com/?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=3197
