
658 ผู้ชม

สอบ...ใบขับขี่ !!   

สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 1.3  นำเสนอข้อมูลข่าวสาร ความคิดรวบยอด และความคิดเห็น
                         ในเรื่องต่างๆ โดยการพูดและการเขียน

 Harry Marsh was a driving examiner who had to test people who wanted to get a driving-license. One day he came out of his office as usual and saw a car at the side of the road, with a young man in it. He got into the car beside the driver and told him to check the lights, the brakes and then all the other usual things. The driver performed everything promptly and faultlessly, without saying a word.
 Then Harry told the driver to start his engine  and drive forward. Then he told him  to turn right into a side road, stop, go backwards into another side road and then drive to the office again. 
 On the way, the driver said to Harry politely, ‘ Could you please tell me why we are doing all these things? I was passing through this town and only stopped to look at my map’.

Which of these sentences are true and which are false.
.....1. People who wanted a driving-license had to have a test first.
.....2. If a driver could check all the things like lights and brakes, Harry 
         passed him.
.....3. The young man had a lot of faults in his performance.
.....4. Harry gave the young man a driving test by mistake.
.....5. Harry asked the young man to drive him to his office because he was 
.....6. The young man had not really come to have a driving test.

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สุขศึกษาฯ    

แหล่งที่มาของข้อมูล:  Outline the 2075 headwords ,เอกสารอัดสำเนา 
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