Passengers travel on freighters for a variety of reasons
เมื่อวันที่ 8 พ.ค. ร.ต.ท.อาทิตย์ เอี่ยมขจร ร้อยเวรสภ.เพ
อ.เมือง จ.ระยอง รับแจ้งเหตุมีนักท่องเที่ยวจมน้ำบริเวณอ่าวพุทรา เกาะเสม็ด
จนสามารถช่วยเหลือขึ้นมาได้ 3 คน ส่วนอีก 1 คน ยังไม่สามารถช่วยเหลือขึ้นมา
จากนั้นเจ้าหน้าที่มูลนิธิสว่างพรกุศล รีบนำส่งรพ.ระยอง
เนื่องจากผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บมีอาการหนัก 2 ราย
ที่มา :
ที่มา :
(ภาษาอังกฤษ) ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6
Theme : Travelling
Why Freighter travel?
By Margi Mostue, Retired President, FWC
Passengers travel on freighters for a variety of reasons
including fun, relaxation, adventure, no crowds, companionship, and the informal
atmosphere onboard. Some passengers use a transatlantic crossing or a segment of
a longer itinerary as leisurely transportation from Point A to Point B, but most
passengers book a freighter cruise for its full itinerary with durations from 2
weeks to 5 months. Freighter fares typically range from about $90-$130 per
person per day, inclusive of all meals on board.
Informality reigns on freighters. Passengers are not
required to dress for meals. Men can leave their ties and ladies their cocktail
attire at home. Freighters do not offer any preplanned activities such as cruise
ships do and mealtimes are the only daily structure. Before my first freighter
cruise experience in 1980, I thought a freighter cruise might be boring and
without enough activity. But I found that my days disappeared quickly and I was
busy all the time. Most freighters offer a small exercise room,
pool and TV for viewing a selection of video movies. On most ships it is
possible to walk completely around the main deck and this is always a popular
exercise pastime for passengers.
How many of us take the time to relax on an uncrowded deck
in a comfortable deck chair with a good book and binoculars in hand? Just watch
the ocean go by and experience the occasional dolphins, whales, fish and sea
birds in your path. These are some of life's special moments and partly what
freighter cruising is all about.
Freighter passengers enjoy contact with the officers and
crew and often become part of the shipboard family. Many passengers have navy,
coast guard or merchant marine experience and love the opportunity to get back
to sea and be a part of a working ship. Time spent on the bridge and the ensuing
conversations with officers are special experiences not possible on cruise ships
where passengers in groups of 30 or more are given bridge tours. Most foreign
flagged freighters are liberal with bridge
visitation and unrestricted
bridge visitation is not uncommon. With passenger loads typically from 2 to 12
passengers, lasting friendships are often formed between passengers and also
with officers.
Passengers generally eat the same meals as the officers. No
special diets are accommodated. Passengers can expect a well-balanced and varied
menu, which while not fancy is at times of excellent quality.
Why cruise by freighter? For a change of pace away from
crowds, you may discover that freighter cruising is a way of traveling you'll
love. A motto of Freighter World Cruises is, "If you have the time to relax and
a cruising spirit, a friendly freighter waits for you."
ที่มา :
ที่มา : ภาพเรือ :
Before Reading :
A : Answer the following questions with your partners.
1. What is
this picture?
2. Have you ever seen before?
4. Where can you see
5. How many people are there in this?
B : Understanding
Match the word from column a with the definition from column
While Reading : Read the above passage then answer the question
1. Why do people travel by freighters ?
2. How many
kinds of activities do the passengers join in the freighters?
3. What
do the passengers eat in the freighters?
Post-reading : Search the internet to find the kinds of
and do the project work.
Suggestion (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ)
Disussion on your free time
Write about your unforgetable experience and tell your class.
Integration (การบูรณาการกับกลุ่มสาระอื่น)
สังคมศึกษา tourism
ศิลปศึกษา beautiful veiws
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