Teachers do things right for their students

642 ผู้ชม

การทำงานของครูเพื่อศิษย์ วีดีโอแสดงความในใจของครูและศิษย์ บทอ่านเกี่ยวกับครู   

Mexican kindergarten teacher has students take cover, sing song as gunbattle rages outside

A kindergarten teacher in Mexico is being hailed as a hero after a video surfaced showing her ordering her students to take cover and sing songs while suspected cartel gunman executed five people outside their building.
ครูโรงเรียนอนุบาลในประเทศ Mexico สั่งให้นักเรียนหาที่กำบังและร้องเพลง ในขณะที่นอกอาคารมีมือปืนที่ฆ่าคนตายไปแล้ว 5 คน ยังคงลอยนวลอยู่
ดูวิดีโอเหตุการณ์จริง ถ้าครูไม่ควบคุมสติ นักเรียนคงวิ่งหนีออกไปโดนยิงแน่ๆ
Read more: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2011/05/29/2011-05-29_kindergarten_teacher_in_mexico_has_students_get_down_sing_song_as_gunbattle_rage.html#ixzz1NyMO2BGt

Teacher's Day

เนื้อหา เหมาะสำหรับทุกระดับชั้น

สาระที่ ๒  ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม

มาตรฐาน ต 2.2   เข้าใจความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างภาษาและวัฒนธรรมของเจ้าของภาษากับ
                          ภาษาและวัฒนธรรมไทย และนำมาใช้อย่างถูกต้องและเหมาะสม      
ตัวชี้วัด ม.1/1      บอกความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างการออกเสียงประโยคชนิดต่างๆ  การใช้
                         เครื่องหมายวรรคตอน    และการลำดับคำตามโครงสร้างประโยคของภาษาต่างประเทศ
           ม.1/2      เปรียบเทียบความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างเทศกาล    งานฉลอง  วันสำคัญ 

Teachers in Thailand love their students as their own children.

Every good people in the world respect and are grateful to their teachers.

All across the world, Teacher's Day celebrations are undertaken to honor teachers for their sincere efforts to impart knowledge to their students. By having celebrations on Teacher's Day, we convey the message that we care for our teachers, just as they do. Celebrating the festival is the recognition of the devotion, with which, teachers undertake the responsibility of educating a child academically as well as morally. On this day, school students dress up like their teachers and teach their juniors, the same way as their teachers do. As the day passes, the students perform the activities that are performed by the teachers.
Sometimes, the teachers also sit in the classes acting like students, reliving the time, when they themselves were students. This creates an understanding between the teachers and their students. Apart from being the day when we give recognition to our teacher's hard work, the festival brings out a healthy interaction between students and teachers, wherein the latter recognizes the teaching capability of the former. Even if it is simple celebrations, they reflect the fact that we care for our teachers. There are many ways of celebrating Teacher's Day. Check out our related section to get some ideas for celebrating Teacher's Day.

In Thailand we have "Wai Khru Day"

Wai Kru Day is always held on a Thursday, as this is thought to be an auspicious day by Thai Buddhists. Wai Kru Day is the day of the year when Thai students show the most respect to their teachers by participating in a big school ceremony. At this time, they thank their teachers for the knowledge they have given them, for the gift of learning, and also wish them good luck in the future school year and in their future lives. Western kids could learn a lot from Thai kids and Thai culture, when it comes to paying respect on Teachers' Day.
On Wai Kru Day in Thailand, students come to school with flowers and gifts for their teachers.  At many Thai schools, especially the government schools where the children are much poorer than at private Thai schools, the students make their own floral arrangements. They usually use traditional Thai flowers and plants, banana leaves and incense in the larger arrangements, all of which have different meanings (for example, patience, respect and discipline). These are given to the teachers at an elaborate ceremony during which time every child at the school is expected to wai their teachers (hold their hands in the prayer position) and pay them respect. 

Thai students sing a song for their teachers.


Teacher's Day date

Country Date
Afghanistan May24
Albania March 7
Algeria February 28
Argentina September 11
Australia Last Friday in October
Azerbaijan October 5
Bahrain February 28
Bhutan May 2
Bolivia June 6
Brazil October 15
Canada October 5
Chile October 16
China September 10
Colombia May 15
Croatia October 5
Czech Republic March 28
Ecuador April 13
Egypt February 28
El Salvador June 22
Hong Kong September 10
Hungary First Sunday of June
India September5
Indonesia November 25
Iran May 2
Jamaica May 6
Jordan February 28
Lithuania October 5
Lebanon March 3
Libya February 28
Malaysia May 16
Mexico May 15
Mongolia First weekend of February
Morocco February 28
Oman February 28
Qatar February 28
Pakistan October 5
Panama December 1
Paraguay April 30
Peru July 6
Philippines October 5
Poland October 14
Russia October 5
Saudi Arabia February 28
Singapore September 1
Slovakia March 28
Syria February 28
Thailand January 16
Turkey November 24
Tunisia February 28
United Arab Emirates February 28
United States Tuesday in the first full week of May
Yemen February 28


1. Do you think there are Teacher's day in other countries?
2. How do students in other countries celebrate Teacher's day?
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