
667 ผู้ชม


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 3.1  ใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศในการเชื่อมโยงความรู้กับกลุ่มสาระ
                          การเรียนรู้อื่นและเป็นพื้นฐานในการพัฒนา แสวงหาความรู้

    A public house, informally known as a pub. There is no formal and generally accepted difference between pubs and bars, or other premises where alcohol is served commercially. A pub that offers lodging may be called an inn or hotel in the United Kingdom. Today, many pubs in the UK and Australia with the word "inn" or "hotel" in their names no longer offer accommodation, and in some cases have never done so. Some pubs bear the name of "hotel" because they are in countries where stringent anti-drinking laws were once in force. In Scotland until 1976, only hotels could serve alcohol on Sundays.
    There are approximately 53,500 public houses in the United Kingdom. In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community.Pubs are social places based on the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, and most public houses offer a range of beers, wines, and soft drinks. All pubs also have a range of non-alcoholic beverages available. Traditionally the windows of town pubs are of smoked or frosted glass so that the clientele is obscured from the street. 
     The pub that people visit most often is called their local. In many cases, this will be the pub nearest to their home, but some people choose their local for other reasons: a venue for their friends, non-smoking or formerly as a place to smoke freely, or maybe a darts team.

Vocabulary :
pub (n)                          a building in Britain where alcoholic drinks can be 
                                     bought and drunk and where food is often available
premise (n)                   an idea or theory on which a statement or action is 
commercially (adv.)      related to buying and selling things
accommodation (n)      a place to live, work, stay, etc. 
stringent(adj.)              having a very severe effect, or being extremely 
focal (adj.)                   central and important
consumption (n)           when someone uses, eats, or drinks something
frosted (adj.)                less smooth to stop it being transparent
clientele (n)                 all the customers of a business when they are 
                                    considered as a group
venue (n)                     the place where a public event or meeting happens

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )
Pub มีอิทธิพลต่อสังคมไทยในด้านใด

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้สังคมศึกษา ฯ

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