
635 ผู้ชม


สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
มาตรฐาน ต 3.1  ใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศในการเชื่อมโยงความรู้กับกลุ่มสาระ
                       การเรียนรู้อื่น  และเป็นพื้นฐานในการพัฒนา แสวงหาความรู้

        A baguette  is "a long thin loaf of French bread " that is commonly made from basic lean dough. It is distinguishable by its length and crisp crust. A standard baguette has a diameter of about 5. 4 or 6 cm. and a usual length of about 65 cm , although a baguette can be up to a meter long.
    The "baguette de tradition française" is made from wheat flour, water, yeast, and common salt. It does not contain additives, but it may contain broad bean flour (max 2%), soya flour (max 0.5%), wheat malt flour (max 0.3%). Standard baguettes however may contain a certain number of additives. Baguettes are closely connected to France and especially to Paris, though they are made around the world. In France, not all long loaves are baguettes.
     Baguettes, either relatively short single-serving size or cut from a longer loaf, are very often used for sandwiches. Baguettes are often sliced and served with pâté or cheese. As part of the traditional continental breakfast in France, slices of baguette are spread with butter and jam and dunked in bowls of coffee or hot chocolate. In the United States, French Bread loaves are sometimes split in half to make French bread pizza.

Vocabulary :
dough (n)                    flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat or sugar   
                                  so that it is ready for baking
distinguishable (adj.)    can be noticed
crisp (adj.)                  hard enough to be broken easily
crust (n)                      the outside layer of a loaf of bread
diameter (n)                (the length of) a straight line that reaches from one point on 
                                  the edge of a round shape or object, through its centre
additive (n)                  a substance which is added to food in order to improve its 
                                  taste or appearance or to preserve it 
pâté (n)                       spread of very finely minced liver
dunk (v)                      to put a biscuit, piece of bread, etc. into a liquid such as tea 
                                  or soup for a short time before eating it
split (v)                       divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular 

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้การงานอาชีพและเทคโนโลยี ( คหกรรม )

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