Food Idioms

967 ผู้ชม

ภาษาอังกฤษมีสำนวนเกี่ยวกับอาหารที่ใช้ในชีวิตประจำวันมากมาย ที่คนใช้ภาษาอังกฤษต้องศึกษา   
Food Idioms

Annop Akaranithiyanont, president of an association of egg farmers, said it had not done anything yet while waiting to see how the government will resolve the |problem after small farmers submitted a complaint on Tuesday.
"The policy was formulated in mid-2010," Mongkol said. "During the floods last year, these chicks continued to grow and became hens in mid-2012. The number of eggs will likely peak early next year. From now to the end of this year, we will experience a loss of more than Bt10 billion or Bt100 per hen."
The association agreed with small farmers on the egg oversupply and requested government support, he said. It could come in the form of a pledging scheme or, in the worse case, a plant for powdered eggs.
There are about 40 million eggs supplied to the market per day and about 30,000-40,000 layer-hen farmers after new players entered the industry.
Farmers cannot cover their cost of Bt2.60 per egg, as big eggs sell for Bt2.30-Bt2.40 each and medium sizes at Bt2.20.
The established egg farmers have been able to sell their produce as they have customers in hand, while the newcomers may not be able to sell anything, Annop said.

Egg farmers are waiting for the government to give them solutions, which may include control of breeding stock. If they did not receive any help from the government, the association will make a move, he said.

ที่มา :

 ข่าวนำเรื่องอาจจะดูเครียดไปนิดนึง แต่ก็เป็นเหตุการณ์ปัจจุบันที่เกิดขึ้นจริงในขณะนี้ที่ประเทศไทยของเราค่ะ

เนื้อหาเหมาะสำหรับระดับชั้น ม.3-ม.6  

มาตรฐาน ต 2.2   เข้าใจความเหมือนและความแตกต่างระหว่างภาษาและวัฒนธรรมของเจ้าของภาษากับภาษาและวัฒนธรรมไทย และนำมาใช้อย่างถูกต้องและเหมาะสม

ตัวชี้วัด  ม.4-6/1         อธิบาย/เปรียบเทียบความแตกต่างระหว่างโครงสร้างประโยค ข้อความ สำนวน คำพังเพย สุภาษิต และบทกลอนของภาษาต่างประเทศและภาษาไทย 



Bringing Home the Bacon on the Gravy Train

What do you think these expressions mean?

Bob works hard to bring home the bacon1and put bread and butter2 on his family's table. Every morning, he drags himself to his desk at the bank and faces his tedious 10-hour-a-day job. His boss, Mark, is a bad egg3 but has somehow taken a liking to Bob so he always speaks well of Bob in front of Mr. Davies, the owner and big cheese4 of the company. Mark tells Mr. Davies that Bob's the cream of the crop5 and is one smart cookie6 who uses his noodles7. Mark likes to chew the fat8 with Bob during coffee break and discusses half-baked9 company plans with him because he trusts Bob and knows that Bob won't spill the beans10 behind his back. On these occasions, Bob tries to avoid any hot potatoes11 and, even if Mark isn't his cup of tea12, Bob makes an effort to butter him up13by leading Mark into discussions about electronic gadgets which Mark is nuts about14. Bob really thinks that Mark is out to lunch15 andnutty as a fruitcake16, but in a nutshell17, if he polishes the apple18, his job could become a piece of cake19 and maybe one day he will find his gravy train20.

This is definitely an exaggerated use of idiomatic expressions. But you can see how these expressions make spoken informal language much more colourful and jovial. 

Here are some non-food idiom expressions which you can use to substitute the food idioms 

A boss 4 - big cheese
B food  
C very easy  
D on the table but still unofficial  
E the best  
F continues to be servile and brown-nose his boss  
G scoundrel  
H make a living  
I is an intelligent person  
J show admiration  
K basically  
L share confidential information  
M means to a big income with little effort  
N chat  
O thinks  
P a little out of touch with reality  
Q problematic issues  
R a little crazy  
S really likes  
T the type of person he likes  


เฉลย : Answers:

A 4 E 5 I 6 M 20 Q 11
B 2 F 18 J 13 N 8 R 16
C 19 G 3 K 17 O 7 S 14
D 9 H 1 L 10 P 15 T 12



1. Do you know idioms about food?

2. Have you ever found any words about food in the sentence and you don't understand the meaning?




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