Chinese New Year : Dragon Dance & Lion Dance

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Chinese New Year : Dragon Dance & Lion Dance 

 จะมีการแสดงเชิดสัตว์ 2 ประเภทตามประเพณีและความเชื่อของจีน
เชิดมังกร (Dragon Dance) กับ เชิดสิงโต (Lion Dance)
เนื้อหาเหมาะสำหรับระดับชั้น ม.4-ม.6
สาระที่ 2 ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม
มาตรฐาน ต 2.1  เข้าใจความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างภาษากับวัฒนธรรมของเจ้าของภาษาและนำไปใช้ได้

ตัวชี้วัด 2          บรรยายเกี่ยวกับเทศกาล วันสำคัญชีวิตความเป็นอยู่  และประเพณีของเจ้าของภาษา

                                           The Dragon Dance
The Dragon Dance is one of the most anticipated events of the traditional Lunar New Year celebrations.  While it is not to be confused with the Lion Dance, the Dragon Dance is also performed on auspicious occasions and wards off evil spirits and welcomes good fortune.
The dragon has long been revered in Chinese culture as a benevolent creature, despite its fierce appearance.  In feudal times, the dragon was thought to be the god of rain, thunder, stars and rainbows.  Over the course of centuries, the image of the dragon evolved, becoming ever more beautiful and mighty yet it has always retained its gentle demeanor.  Today, the dragon symbolizes power, dignity, wealth and respect. 

The Dragon Dance Costume
The costume is a dragon’s head and its long serpent-like body that the dancers hoist up and animate using attached wooden poles.  The longer the dragon, the more luck it is thought to bring.  The dragons can be anywhere from 80 to 200 feet long and require as many as 100 dancers to carry it.  Traditionally, the Dragon Dance costume was made from bamboo hoops and wooden poles.  Today, lighter weight materials, like plastic, are used to construct the frame, which is then covered in rich fabrics and festooned with lights, feathers, and other festive details.

The colors of the dragons import their own significance: green is symbolic of a rich harvest; yellow of the empire; gold and silver for prosperity; and red for good fortune and joyfulness.

The dragon head

The dragon body and the poles

the Dragon Dance is performed in time with drums, cymbals, and gongs.  Precise timing and excellent teamwork are required to bring the beloved dragon to life.  Kung Fu practitioners are often chosen for their level of fitness, agility, acrobatics, and skill with weapons, which allows them to manipulate the poles of the dragon effectively.  To bring the dragon to life, the dancers make the dragon’s body undulate, as though it were swimming or flying.  Their creativity and skill is then expressed through dazzling acrobatics, featuring corkscrews and spirals, the dragon swirling back on itself and ducking through the spirals, and lifts to elevate the dragon’s head higher into the sky. The traditional patterns performed during a Dragon Dance include: Cloud Cave, Whilrpool, Threading the Money, Dragon Encircling a Pillar, and Searching For the Pearl. 

                                                                                    The Lion Dance
Ornately decorated lion heads with bright wide eyes bob and dodge their way among the crowds at Chinese New Year’s Parades worldwide.  The lion expresses joy and happiness and is used to summon luck and good fortune.  Lion dance troupes perform throughout the two-week Lunar New Year celebrations, often going from village to village.  They also grace many other auspicious occasions such as wedding, planting or harvest time, religious ceremonies, or even at the launch of a new business.

Two Styles of Lion Dance: Northern and Southern
The two styles of lion dances differ not only in the type of costumes worn by the lion dancers but also in the types of movements performed. 
 In the northern style, the lions have shaggy orange and yellow fur and a long mane.  Their movements are very life-like, oftentimes using their legs to prance dramatically.  In the northern style of dance, the lions typically appear in family pairs: two adult lions and two young lions.  Lion dancers are most often performed by students of kung fu.  So, the dances can also be very acrobatic including stunts like the lions balancing on balls, lifts, and leaping through the air requiring the dancers to be very fit and agile.

The Southern style costumes feature a lion that more closely resembles Nian, the fierce horned monster that inspired many Chinese New Year traditions  The Southern Lion’s head is shaped more like a dragon and has a drape.  It can have two or four legs.  When performing, the Southern Lion thrusts its head to the sound of drums, gongs and cymbals.  The Lion Dancers must precisely coordinate their movements with those of the instruments.  The most commonly used colors for lion dance costumes are red for bravery, green for friendship and goodwill and gold for a lively, dynamic spirit.



1. How do Chinese people celebrate their New Year?

2. What do the Chinese dragon and lion symbolize?


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