Food Airlines

573 ผู้ชม

Food Airlines cooked in Dirty Kitchens   

Food Airlines

ใครๆที่ชอบเดินทางโดยสารโดยเครื่องบินแล้วชอบรับประทานอาหารที่เขาบริการ  ลองมาอ่านข่าวนี้จะเป็นอย่างไร  เนื้อหาเหมาะสำหรับนักเรียนช่วงชั้น 3-4

Airplane Food Cooked in Dirty Kitchens

A new report on airline food says many meals served by airlines are prepared in dirty kitchens. Inspectors from the USA’s Food and Drug Administration checked the cooking areas of three big catering companies. They provide the food for airlines such as American Airlines and United. The inspectors said food was not stored in cool temperatures and workers used unclean equipment. They also found cockroaches, flies and mice in the kitchens. One of the caterers, LSG Sky Chefs, said they worked hard to make sure their customers receive “safe, healthy and high-quality food".

Airplane food is often the subject of many jokes. Some people say they really hate it. This report makes us think a little more about how healthy it is. Many airlines boast about the quality of their food. Some say it is the same as that in top restaurants. Maybe it is better if we bring our own food. At least we can have something different from chicken or fish. We would also know it has been cooked properly. Maybe airlines could try making simple things. We don’t really need a menu full of food we’ve never heard of. Perhaps the safest option is to stick to fruit and biscuits or peanuts.


1.  Have you ever traveled by plane ?

2.  How do you feel when you are on the plane ?

3.  Do you like the food that serves on the plane?

4.  Do you know how it cooks?


นักเรียนทำแบบฝึกหัดเพิ่มเติม ดังนี้

Number these lines in the correct order.
(    ) chicken or fish. We would also know it has been cooked properly. Maybe airlines could try making simple things. We don’t
(    ) the USA’s Food and Drug Administration checked the cooking areas of three big catering companies. They provide
(    ) really need a menu full of food we’ve never heard of. Perhaps the safest option is to stick to fruit and biscuits or peanuts.
(    ) that in top restaurants. Maybe it is better if we bring our own food. At least we can have something different from
(    ) Airplane food is often the subject of many jokes. Some people say they really hate it. This report makes us think
(    ) and workers used unclean equipment. They also found cockroaches, flies and mice in the kitchens. One of the caterers,
(  1  ) A new report on airline food says many meals served by airlines are prepared in dirty kitchens. Inspectors from
(    ) the food for airlines such as American Airlines and United. The inspectors said food was not stored in cool temperatures
(    ) LSG Sky Chefs, said they worked hard to make sure their customers receive “safe, healthy and high-quality food".
(    ) a little more about how healthy it is. Many airlines boast about the quality of their food. Some say it is the same as

Match the following phrases from the article       
1. A new report a. unclean equipment
2 dirty b. on airline food
3. stored in cool c. quality food
4. workers used d. flies and mice
5. They also found cockroaches, e. kitchens
6. safe, healthy and high- f. temperatures
7. the subject of a. a little more
8 This report makes us think b. stick to fruit
9. airlines boast about the quality c. many jokes
10. At least we can have something d. of their food
11 a menu full of food we’ve e. different
12 Perhaps the safest option is to f. never heard of

With a partner, put the words back into the correct order.
1. kitchens    served    are    dirty    Meals    airlines    in    by    prepared.   
2. catering     areas     companies     of     three     The     big     cooking.    
3. temperatures     cool     in     stored     not     was     Food.    
4. They     flies     also     and     found     mice     cockroaches     ,.    
5. food    Customers    receive    safe    ,    healthy    and    high-quality.   
6. jokes     food     the     many     Airplane     often     of     is     subject.    
7. think     This     a     report     little     makes     more     us.    
8. boast     their     about     food     the     quality     Airlines     of.    
9. food     is     we     own     It     if     our     better     bring.    
10. try     simple     could     making     things     Airlines.   






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