Enjoy eating mushroom

570 ผู้ชม

Mushrooms are very good to eat.But beware! Not all mushrooms are as good as they look!   

Enjoy eating mushroom


             MUSHROOMS are the largest of the fungi. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and many of them are very good to eat. But beware!  Not all mushrooms are as good as they look!
              The Death Cap Mushroom will probably kill anyone who eats it. And the Fool’s Mushroom will do the same. The problem is that the poison in both of these mushrooms acts slowly. If you eat them, you won’t feel ill until several hours later. By then, it probably too late!
             Then there are the Fly Agarics, which looks rather like the death Cap and the Fool’s mushroom, but is more colorful. Fly Agarics are poisonous as well. They are called Fly Agarics because there are usually a lot of dead flies around them. Flies don’t know how poisonous they are!
 Another dangerous mushroom is the Mexican Sacred Mushroom. This mushroom has a very strange effect. If you eat one, you’ll being to hallucinate, and if you eat a lot, you’ll probably die.
               Fortunately, there are many mushrooms which we can enjoy eating. The most common variety is the Field Mushroom, which we can pick in the fields or buy from the supermarket. And then there’s the Honey Fungus another which is safe to eat. And Puffballs, which many people think are poisonous, are actually good to eat. Last, but by no means least, there is the truffle- the most delicious (and most expensive) mushroom of all.
             You should never eat a mushroom unless you know that it’s an edible variety. Mushrooms can be delicious-or deadly!

Mushrooms            a fungus with a round top and stem.
Beware                   used to warn someone to be very careful about something or someone
Variety                   a different type of something.
Problem                 a situation, person or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or 
Poison                    a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or

                              drink it.
Hallucinate             to seem to see, hear, feel or smell something which does not exist, usually

                             because     you are ill or have taken a drug.
Puffball                  a large white round edible fungus

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Find out the English names of some other plants which are poisonous.
Do you like to eat mushroom? Why? or Why not?
Can you cook the mushroom?
How do you cook it?
Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )
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Hazel Imbert,James Taylor,Mary Underwood,Ken Wilson  .Compass  Book 3 อักษรเจริญทัศน์


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