Russian doll

551 ผู้ชม

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สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ช่วงชั้นที่ 4
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                         การเรียนรู้อื่น และเป็นพื้นฐานในการพัฒนา แสวงหาความรู้

                                                Russian doll
        A set of matryoshkas consists of a wooden figure which separates, top from bottom, to reveal a smaller figure of the same sort inside, which has, in turn, another figure inside of it, and so on. The number of nested figures is traditionally at least five, but can be much more, up to several dozen with sufficiently fine craftsmanship. The form is approximately cylindrical, with a rounded top for the head, tapering toward the bottom, with little or no protruding features; the dolls have no hands (except those that are painted). Traditionally the outer layer is a woman, dressed in a sarafan. The figures inside may be of either gender; the smallest, innermost doll is typically a baby lathed from a single small piece of wood.The artistry is in the painting of each doll, which can be extremely elaborate.
      Matryoshka dolls are often designed to follow a particular theme, for instance peasant girls in traditional dress, but the theme can be anything, from fairy tale characters to Soviet leader.
 The first Russian nested doll set was carved in 1890 by Vasily Zvyozdochkin. The doll set was painted by Malyutin himself. Malyutin's doll set consisted of eight dolls—the outermost was a girl holding a rooster, six inner dolls were girls, the fifth doll was a boy, and the innermost was a baby.
  Modern artists create many new styles of nesting dolls, include animal collections, portraits and caricatures of famous politicians, musicians, "robots" and popular movie stars.

Vocabulary :
separate (v)                                 divide into parts
reveal (v)                                     to allow something to be seen
craftsmanship (n)                         skill at making things
cylindrical (adj.)                            having the shape of a cylinder 
                                                     (= hollow tube)
taper (v)                                       to become gradually narrower at one end
protrude (v)                                  to stick out from or through something
lathe (v)                                        turning the material while a sharp tool is 
                                                     pressed against it
elaborate (adj.)                             containing a lot of careful detail or many 
                                                     detailed parts 
peasant (n.)                                  a person who owns or rents a small piece 
                                                     of land and grows crops, keeps animals.
portrait (n)                                     a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of
                                                      a person
caricature (n)                                 a drawing or written or spoken 
                                                      description of someone, which makes 
                                                      part of their appearance or character 
                                                      more noticeable than it really is, and 
                                                      which  usually makes them look silly

Questions for discussing  ( คำถามเพื่ออภิปราย )

Follow up activity (กิจกรรมเสนอแนะ )

การบูรณาการ : สาระการเรียนรู้ศิลปศึกษา ฯ


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